One of life's most fulfilling experiences can be being a mom. Yes, I hear you mom, some days it can be the most frustrating experience as well!

Moms occasionally feel as though they aren't contributing enough or performing at a high enough level. These feelings of inadequacy are frequently brought on by imposter syndrome and mom guilt, which can affect mothers from all socioeconomic backgrounds and life experiences. Today I will discuss the definitions of mom guilt and imposter syndrome, warning signs to watch out for, and practical coping mechanisms.

It's common for working mothers to feel like they are being constantly pulled in different directions. It can be extremely stressful to balance the demands of being a great employee and a loving, present parent. You may feel like you're falling short in both roles as a result of these feelings, which can be exacerbated by mom guilt and imposter syndrome.

When you're juggling both at once, it's understandable to feel like you're not accomplishing enough at home or work. You might feel working keeps you from spending quality time with your kids or that caring for your family's needs keeps you from giving your job your all. It can be difficult to carry this burden when you feel like you're failing at both demands.

I have been there. I know the pain of choosing between spending time with my child, meeting a deadline or having a clean home. Noticed, that I didn't even mention self-care, did you?

Reframing false beliefs

Unfortunately, societal expectations and stereotypes can make it even more difficult to overcome these emotions. Being a working mother can make you feel as though you must be the ideal spouse, parent, and employee all at once, and any perceived mistakes can make you feel as though you've let everyone down. Additionally, you might face criticism or judgment for your parenting or work decisions, which can cause feelings of shame or inadequacy.

But as a hypnotherapist, I want you to know that you're not the only one going through these difficulties. Working moms frequently struggle with imposter syndrome and mom guilt, but there are effective solutions available. We can work together to develop strategies that help you balance work and family, and challenge limiting beliefs. Ultimately feel more confident and fulfilled in all areas of your life by using hypnotherapy to address these issues in the context of your circumstances.

So, if you're a working mom struggling with imposter syndrome and mom guilt, know that there's help available. We can overcome these obstacles by working together to get you the balance and fulfilment you deserve.

What is Imposter Syndrome and Mom Guilt?

Imposter syndrome is the belief that you are not deserving of your success or that you are not good enough. High achievers, including mothers juggling multiple responsibilities, frequently have this experience. While navigating the challenges of motherhood, many mothers often feel inadequate or self-conscious. This is known as mom guilt. Shame, anxiety, and self-criticism are frequently present in conjunction with it.

Are you constantly scrolling through social and comparing yourself to that perfect-looking mom? Her perfect little angels beaming at you. Her sparkling, perfectly decorated house is ready for any instant reel. She is at the top of her game. 

You look at yourself and notice the food smudge on your shirt from when the 3-year-old wiped their hands on you. You noticed the stack of dishes in the kitchen and trip over another popular brand brick piece. Your boss rings up about that meeting you forgot. You dash to connect to a video call meeting, throwing on the latest popular cartoon on the TV, hoping the kids will stay entertained.

You know what? Even those perfect moms have days like this. They never show it and maybe we should normalise it.

Imposter syndrome and mom guilt symptoms include:

  • Having the impression that you're not being a good mother.
  • Evaluating other mothers and feeling inferior.
  • Fear of external criticism or judgment.
  • Feeling unworthy or like you're falling short of your standards.
  • Negative self-talk and self-doubt.
  • Avoidance of opportunities or challenges because of failure-related fear.
  • Accepting compliments or being recognised for your achievements can be difficult.

How to Recognise and Address the Five Types of Imposter Syndrome:

imposter syndrome perfection


Strives for perfection and frequently feels defeated if their standards aren't met.

imposter syndrome


Thinks they should be all-knowing and is reluctant to acknowledge ignorance.

imposter syndrome mom guilt


Refuses to accept assistance because they feel that they must handle everything on their own.

imposter syndrome mom guilt


Feels the need to do it all and please everyone, frequently putting others' needs before their own.

imposter syndrome

Natural genius

Thinks they are naturally talented in everything and feel inadequate when they must work hard to learn or get better.

How to Overcome Motherhood Imposter Syndrome:

symptoms of stress and anxiety

Recognise negative self-talk and challenge it

When negative thoughts arise, take note of them and challenge them by determining whether they are true or just your perception.

Utilize breathing exercises to relax

Celebrate your accomplishments

No matter how minor they may seem, take the time to recognise and appreciate your successes.

supportive friends

Surround yourself with supportive people

Connect with other moms who are experiencing similar things and encourage and support one another. Trust me, your tribe is out there.

Take time to breathe deeply - panic attacks

Embrace self-compassion

Be kind and understanding to yourself as you would a close friend or relative.

self care


Should I even bring this up? It is important that you put YOU first. Take time for yourself, exercise, read, and dance like no one is watching! Do what makes you happy.

Find assistance - panic attacks

Ask for assistance if necessary

If you're experiencing imposter syndrome or mom guilt, don't be afraid to ask for assistance from a therapist or counsellor.

Ways in which Hypnotherapy can help with imposter syndrome

We can target the reason WHY you started thinking and feeling you are inadequate. By finding the root cause, we can see what limiting beliefs you hold about yourself. Once we have eliminated the negative and limiting beliefs, we can instil positive, loving beliefs.

You will leave the session feeling empowered, loved and good enough.

mom guilt

While mom guilt and imposter syndrome can be challenging to deal with, they can be overcome with the right tools and support. Keep in mind that you are not alone in your struggles and that it's ok to ask for assistance.

You don't have to be perfect! I cannot stress this enough. You are ENOUGH! Yes, yes, even you with your week-old dirty hair and wrinkled top.

You can overcome feelings of inadequacy and turn into a confident and content mother by challenging negative self-talk, acknowledging your accomplishments, practising self-compassion, and figuring out your imposter syndrome type.